By Stan Karpf, GSAC Board Member
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The City of Naples employees received a big thank you at last week’s employee appreciation luncheon, held on Thursday, November 9 at the Baker Park Eva Sugden-Gomez Pavilion. The Event which was attended by almost 300 City employees was jointly sponsored by GSAC and the Park Shore Association.

At a GSAC Board meeting late last Spring, the GSAC Board discussed ways of paying tribute to the employees who rapidly rebuilt our city from the devastation Hurricane Ian left behind.
Everyone agreed a big thank you was in store and the board members quickly agreed a luncheon honoring all employees would be appropriate.

The Eva Sugden-Gomez Pavilion doors opened to our guests at 11:30 AM, city employees began immediately to pour into the Pavilion walking under the large banners placed at the entrance thanking them for all they have done for us.

As they entered, they were greeted by a large contingent of Board Members ready and waiting to extend a hand and offer a big thank you. The festive environment featured tables decorated with bright yellow and blue balloon bouquets and matching tablecloths. A selection of oven-baked ham and turkey wraps, pasta salad, pickles, and chips along with gourmet salads were served along with a big chocolate chip cookie of course.

As our guests dined on the patio of the Pavilion, they were entertained by a steel drum player, Steely Pan. Our Board Members circulated throughout the event saying thank you for a job very well done. Everyone had a terrific time paying tribute to those who assisted us in recovering from Ian’s destruction in record time.

We extend our gratitude to Naples City Manager Jay Boodheshwar and his staff for assisting in this event. Special appreciation to Chad Merrit, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Facilities for the City of Naples, for helping organize the event space. 

Thank you, City of Naples Employees, you are the best!!!